Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Virtues

VIRTUES SOCIETY KENYA (Society registered in Kenya)

Contact information: Daniel Ong’ayi, 0722387263 danielongayi(at)yahoo.com
Patricia Crossley, Project Founder, Master Facilitator Virtues Project International representative and liaison 0720689549 patricia(at)patriciacrossley.com


The Virtues Project™ was honored by the United Nations as a model program for families of all cultures. Now the Virtues Project ™ is offered to educators, counselors, social workers, youth leaders and community groups to awaken their young people and neighbours to their innate spirituality and qualities of good character.

The Virtues are described as the qualities or attributes of God that can be reflected in the human soul.

The Virtues Project™ was authored in Canada and is now being used in thousands of homes, schools and institutions across Canada, Australia, America, Europe, the Pacific Islands, Korea and Malaysia. In Tanzania since June 2003, over 400 parents, teachers and social workers have testified to the empowering knowledge and skills they have discovered for the best way of living with their families, and handling their children in a positive way. The programme is now integrated into teaching training in Tanzania. In Kenya (Western Province) more than 1,000 people have been trained. Schools have desisted from corporal punishment, their relationships have improved. Parish groups, communities and a hospital attest to the value of the Virtues in maintaining and promoting peaceful relationships

Communities have learned:
· How to develop the virtues, the qualities of good character in themselves and their children
· How to inspire Excellence, Justice, Compassion, Cooperation, Trustworthiness, Honesty and Respect for people, property and nature
· How to guide children to make wise moral choices, how to deal with grief and loss, how to resolve problems with their own inner strength
· How to work successfully with children without the use of beating, caning or bad language.
· How to make use of Restorative Justice in dealing with young people or others who have done a bad deed.

The Head Teacher of Emmatsi School says: “I have seen a great improvement at our school as far as leadership [and performance] is concerned. .. Our school is committed to excellence...I use the Virtues and Virtues language throughout my teaching...”

The Provincial Education Officer of Western Province says: “Though it is in its initial stages we have already seen significant improvement in student discipline and performance”

The Head Teacher of Hombala School says: “The Virtues have helped to improve the discipline of the school. We have 9 Peace keepers. By the use of the Virtues we have improved the academic standards of this school.”

All the participants of previous workshops declare that they have found the new learnings beneficial as they apply them in their relationships with their children and students and members of their community.

The Virtues will be used by a community Task Force in the process of reconciliation and healing in the Kakamega area. A team of accredited Kenyan Facilitators is available to conduct workshops and seminars for schools, families and communities.

In those schools where the whole staff has been trained, they have totally abandoned the use of the sticks to punish children. Student learning has improved.

Research shows that when students experience fear and humiliation, learning shuts down.

The Virtues Project™ is faith based and can be embraced by any person of any faith. There is convincing evidence that the Virtues Project™ is the most effective and powerful tool for eliminating violence in the families, communities and schools.

How to arrange a workshop


Organizers must specify if they wish to receive training for:
- Teachers (English seminar) (10 hours: 2 days)
- Community group (KiSwahili or English) (approximately six hours)
- Family group (KiSwahili) (five to six hours)
- Other (state preferred language)
In most cases the seminar is offered free of charge when funding permits. Facilitators are not remunerated but offer their time and talents because of their belief in the effectiveness of the Virtues Project. This is their gift to the community. Materials are also provided where possible.
If the group is expected to make any contribution the facilitator/organizer will convey this before the seminar is finalized.
The recipient group is expected to:
1. Designate a leader in the organization as contact person
2. Find a suitable venue with good lighting, ventilation, flexible seating arrangements and a black or white board. Power is an advantage for showing slides or transparencies
3. Find suitable hotel accommodation for participants where indicated. Provide suitable private or hotel accommodation for the facilitator for one night if needed.
4. Ensure that participants can provide their own transport
5. Ensure that participants understand they must arrive on time and attend all 10 hours of the seminar
6. Decide on a block of time of for the presentation you want. Check that the Facilitator is available on those dates.
7. Obtain sponsorship to cover expenses which might include:
Refreshments and lunch per participant (if not previously negotiated)
Facilitator’s travel and accommodation (if not previously agreed)
8. Request a leader in the organization to collect the certificates for distribution
9. Invite the participants to attend and provide names and contact numbers
10. Provide information to participants about follow up activities for those trained

Criteria for gaining a certificate:
To gain a certificate each participant needs to satisfy the following criteria:
o Attendance at 95% to 100% of the course
o Full participation in the activities of the course
o Completion of any homework activities.

For further information contact the Project Coordinator/Facilitator:
Daniel Ong’ayi Lydia Atemi
0722387263 0713828591
or Western Province Sustainable Healing and Reconciliation Task Force: Richard Andabwa 0721883605FROM: Patricia Crossley: Virtues International Representative in Kenya.